Chiropractic Care

  • Chiropractic is about helping people live healthier, fuller lives naturally. While typically thought of as a treatment for the spine, chiropractic care actually focuses more on the nervous system, the "master control" system of the body. Simply stated, chiropractic care centers on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.

  • A Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) begins his or her examination by taking the patient's history, including family history, diet, work and lifestyle-related factors. A physical exam uses palpations of the spinal column to find possible subluxations and evaluate muscle strength and possible postural and structural problems. Chiropractors often use x-rays to locate subluxations and to rule out any conditions that would preclude treatment. Once treatment commences, adjustments are done with the patient lying or sitting on a specially constructed table that conforms to body contours.

  • + Flexion Distraction

    + Myofascial Release

    + Spinal Adjustments

    + Extremity Adjustments

    + Arthro - Stim Device

    + Viburcussor

    + Cold Laser

    + Ultrasound

    + Electrical Muscle Stimulation

    + Infrared Heat

    + Biofreeze

    + Kinesio Taping

    + Aroma Therapy

    + Posture Training

  • All New Patient Visits: $150

    1 Visit: $75

    5 Visits: $350

    10 Visits: $650